I was able to download the initial firmware into the FX2 microcontroller on the FPGA_USB board today and run a test program. I then recompiled the program with the open source SDCC and got it to run (the initial code was compiled with the Keil evaluation package from Cypress' site). After testing the FX2 a little further I will solder the FPGA onto the board and start developing the code for it. So far there have been no major problems...
History of HPSDR Mercury and Quick Silver Philip Covington, N8VB Early HPSDR and XYLO In 2005 I started a High Performance SDR (HPSDR) project which was to consist of a motherboard carrying a FPGA/USB 2.0 interface and power supply with the provision for plug in modules through 40 pin headers. I had planned a narrow band high dynamic range module based on a QSD/DDS/PCM4202 audio ADC and a wide bandwidth module based on a high speed 16 bit ADC: http://www.philcovington.com/SDR/PICS/HPSDR_FPGA_USB_Board_top1_800600.jpg http://www.philcovington.com/SDR/PICS/HPSDR_FPGA_USB_Board_top4.jpg I soon selected the LTC2208 ADC from Linear Technology. A representative from Linear Technology came across my blog ( http://pcovington.blogspot.com/ ) and offered evaluation boards and samples to support the project. At about the same time my HPSDR project came about, Phil Harman, VK6APH and Bill Tracey, KD5TFD were interested developing a sound card replacement to be used with the SD...
amazing work. I start sweating just looking at that photo of the PCB. What are you using for a solder station?
Do you have plans to offer this board up (in populated fashion pls)to the SDR/linux community?
I have a lot of experience soldering which helped. I used to work as a technician while attending college for a DOD contractor and had to be MIL certified for soldering in that job.
I do plan on offering the boards from bare to fully populated. All the design files will be available for those who want to make their own boards. It will be both an open hardware and software project.